Sails are constantly subjected to the aggression of external factors: solar radiation, water, wind, salinity, temperature changes, etc.
It is essential to work with the best materials and use the right anchors to obtain the best long-term results. Catvela applies nautical technology (boats are subjected to extreme conditions) to achieve your satisfaction and safety.
All solar sails are unique pieces that are developed with careful consideration of size, shape and the various forces that may impinge on them.
We base our designs on our experience because unfortunately in Europe (and in Spain) there is a legislative gap in relation to the calculation of this type of removable structures for exterior solar protection. The Technical Building Code does not apply to deformable structures such as ours.
The closest standard that would be applicable is EN 13561:2004, which verifies the final quality of exterior solar protection installations. This standard is mandatory and applies to all exterior solar protection systems, but for the moment it does not yet cover fixed, semi-fixed or more than 2 arm awnings. It is of no use to us either.
We have a team of calculators with whom we are working to document our installations as they would in Australia, a leading country in textile architecture structures along with Israel or the countries of the Persian Gulf.
Whenever sails are issued/installed, the customer is informed of the limitations of use. For this reason, CATVELA is not responsible for damage caused by wind or snow load in case of improper use.
Photograph provided by GALEPACIFIC